Heather Jessup
Certified PDA Trainer, Family & Education Consultant
Heather and her family are from the United States and currently live in Illinois. She is the mother of an amazing autistic young man with suspected pathological demand avoidance. She has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Specific Learning Disabilities and a Master of Science Degree in Elementary Education. Along with licenses in Elementary and Special Education, she has received teaching endorsements in Gifted Education and English to Speakers of Other Languages. Her career has spanned from being a pre-school Intervention Specialist to teaching every grade through 5th including Gifted Education. She has held a volunteer position as a Parent Mentor in the US Air Force’s Exceptional Family Member Program, offering support to military families as they navigate the special education process. Heather is a PDA trainer accredited through the Open College Network (OCN)-UK. Using her experience from teaching special needs children and from parenting a child with PDA, she endeavors to support families living with and to educate professionals about PDA.
Please send inquiries to HNJessup@gmail.com