Parenting autistic children, PDA and Challenging Behaviour

Parenting a child with an Autism Spectrum Condition can be challenging.  This practical training looks at the differences and similarities of Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) and gives attendees a "tool-kit" of strategies to help make parenting a child with these conditions a little easier. 

This training is written and presented by Laura Kerbey, Founder of Positive Autism Support and Training and a Surrey Autism Champion. Laura was a Head Teacher at a school for children with Asperger's Syndrome and continues to work with schools, colleges and families who have children with Autistic Spectrum Conditions.

Areas to be covered on the day:

  • The characteristics of behaviour associated with Autistic Spectrum Conditions including PDA and ODD

  • Exploring the differences and similarities of Autism Spectrum Conditions

  • Looking at the impact of Autism Spectrum Conditions on children, their parents and families

  • Reducing anxiety

  • Managing Melt Downs and Panic Attacks

  • Practical parenting tips to manage challenging behaviours associated with Autism Spectrum Condtions and PDA

Fees include the workshop, refreshments and a light lunch. You will also receive a copy of the presentation.

You'll also meet like-minded people and can share ideas with them, too.

Cost - £65per person.