Autism Awareness Training for Parents

Often parents are given a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Condition and very little information on the condition that they are living with.  This training is essential for parents who have just recieved a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Condition or those wishing to learn more about the condition.

This training is written and presented by Laura Kerbey, Founder of Positive Autism Support and Training and a Surrey Autism Champion. Laura was a Head Teacher at a school for children with Aspergers Syndrome and continues to work with schools, colleges and families who have children with Autistic Spectrum Conditions.

Areas to be covered on the day:

  • The Characteristic of behaviour associated with Autistic Spectrum Conditions.

  • Impairments caused by Autistic Spectrum Conditions.

  • Sensory Issues.

  • The Iceberg theory of behaviour.

  • Effective Communication with children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Conditions.

  • Effective support strategies.

Fees include the workshop and refreshments only. Digital copies of materials can be obtained by request by emailing after the event.

You'll also meet like-minded people and can share ideas with them, too.

Bookings can be made directly by contacting me via e-mail. 

Cost - £35 per person.