Accredited Learner Practitioner Training
Accredited by OCN London
Our accredited Learning Support Practioner Training is a relevant and comprehensive suite of accredited training courses for Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants, SENCos, and Student Mentors. This course has been written by Laura Kerbey (PAST), Hilary Nunns (Can-Do Courses) and Sarah Townsend (Disability Learning)
There are 11 Learning Support titles to chose from, and one mandatory unit.
The Role of the Learning Support Practitioner is the Mandatory unit, then choose from:
Supporting learners who have:
Autism Spectrum Conditions
Learning Disabilities
Mental Ill Health
Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities
Partially Sighted or Blind
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Positive Behaviour Management in the Classroom
Safeguarding Students
Level 2 Award – 6 credits
Level 2 Extended Award – 8 credits
Level 2 Certificate – 12 credits
Single mandatory unit - £195
Mandatory plus 2 (Award) - £384
Mandatory plus 3 (Extended Award) - £513
Mandatory plus 5 -(Certificate) - £718